Our District
Learning in RCPS
What are "Community Partnerships" in RCPS?
There are literally hundreds of community partnerships in Rockingham County Public Schools. Individual schools develop and maintain valuable partnerships and the school system as a whole does as well.
RCPS has partnerships with:
businesses and corporations
non-profit agencies
educational institutions
civic groups
faith-based organizations
community foundations
government agencies
benevolent and philanthropic individuals and families
What is the purpose of a Community Partnership in RCPS?
To partner with us to enhance our ability to achieve our vision, mission, and goals concerning
the education and welfare of our students and families.
What kinds of Community Partnerships are there in RCPS?
Community Partnerships can serve different kinds of functions. Here is a link to a document that gives examples of three "levels" of partnership involvement in RCPS. Each level is as valued as another - they just serve different purposes.
Click here to see the Community Partnership Categories
How can I become a Community Partner of RCPS or a school in Rockingham County?
Please contact the building principal of the school you would like to partner with, or call Rockingham County Public Schools' Community Engagement Coordinator, Katie LaPira, at 564-3207 for more information.