Our District
Learning in RCPS
The use of social media in Rockingham County Public Schools, VA (RCPS) is intended to promote constructive and effective communication with and between stakeholders in the school division, our schools, and the community.
The purposes of social media communication may include posts to announce, to inform, to educate, to recognize, to celebrate, to build awareness and understanding, to clarify, to entertain, and to share and promote the mission, vision, goals, programs, and initiatives of RCPS. Discourse and communication on RCPS social media should be professional, respectful, and pertaining to these goals.
Posts and comments on RCPS social media will be monitored by division staff. Communication of the following kinds will be prohibited:
Profane, vulgar, or obscene
Libelous, defamatory, derogatory, or name-calling
Discriminatory, hateful, or racist
Threatening or harassing
Commercial endorsements, conducting private commercial transactions or engaging in private business activities
Promoting partisan political views or endorsing political campaigns or candidates
Sharing confidential information about students or staff
Personally naming students without parent permission
Copyright violations
Information that could reasonably compromise individual or public safety
**Comments that are inappropriate for this page or irrelevant to the posted topic **
Rockingham County Public Schools reserves the right to remove (hide or delete) any posts or comments that violate these guidelines. Repeated violations of these guidelines may lead to a person being blocked from viewing the RCPS Facebook page.