Our District
Learning in RCPS
All student registration (K-12) is done online and can be completed on a PC, tablet or smartphone browser.
PowerSchool Online Enrollment is a secure platform that allows parents/guardians to enter their child’s information into an online database.
How to Create A Parent Portal Account
Students not enrolled in a Rockingham County Public School on the last day of the prior school year
PowerSchool Online Enrollment: English | Spanish
Students currently attending RCPS Schools. To enroll your child for the 2024-2025 school year, please use these links (Snap code required for registration):
PowerSchool Online Enrollment: English | Spanish
Parents/Guardians and of current PreK students should have received a “SNAP” code link to register for the coming year.
The federal McKinney-Vento Act guarantees school enrollment for anyone who, due to a lack of housing, does not have a fixed, regular, and adequate night-time residence. Such children and youth may live:
In an emergency shelter or transitional housing;
In a motel, hotel or campground due to the lack of an adequate alternative;
In a car, park, public place, bus or train station, or abandoned building,
Doubled up with relatives or friends due to loss of housing or economic hardship;
In these conditions and be a migratory child or youth, or not accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Children and youth living in these settings may meet the McKinney-Vento definition of homelessness and may have additional educational rights. For example, a child or youth without a fixed, regular, and adequate residence can attend school at:
The school the child or youth attended before becoming homeless or was last enrolled (school of origin), or
The school in the attendance area where the child or youth is currently living.
Additional educational rights for children and youth experiencing homelessness include enrollment in school, even without the required documents such as a birth certificate or shot records, transportation assistance when in the child's best interest and free school breakfast and lunch.
If you have questions, please contact McKinney Vento at mmjudd@rockingham.k12.va.us or call 540-564-3238 to contact Rockingham County Public Schools' liaison, Michele Judd.